SuperNatural Biological Fertiliser
What is SNBF
SNBF is a biological fertiliser that offers a ‘bridge’ for farmers to break the cycle of chemical damage to soil biology, creating a pathway back to long term soil, farm and economic viability.
SNBF is a highly nutritious in its nutrient specifications, as outlined below, - however, Super Natural’s most important feature is that it is also a
potent Bio stimulant meaning it stimulates soil biology, - which in turn creates an ever expanding soil health and fertility, as soil bacteria and other microbes multiply.
SNBF is produced by bacterial digestion of waste (animal, food, other), - via an Anaerobic Digester.
SNBF Specs; N ~ 4%/40g/kg P ~ 2% / 20g/kg K 12% / 120g/kg Carbon 60% / 600g/kg Mg 3% / 39g/kg plus trace quantities of a wide array of Trace Elements required for optimal plant growth.
How SNBF Works and The Benefits
SNBF provides carbon, microbes, and all nutrients, required for a living soil.
SNBF thus stimulates soil biology and as the soil microbes multiply, the
carbon enriched soil returns to health, enabling soil pH, organic matter, water retention and nutrient bioavailability all to increase, hence crop growth and soil fertility are greatly improved.
SNBF is composed of a mix of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria as well as mycorrhiza (soil funghi). The anaerobes’ solubilize the minerals, enabling the aerobic bacteria to become vastly more active in the root zone (upper 15cm), and the mycorrhiza, then, via their mycelial networks, expand the area of plant-root access 10 fold, hence greatly lifting plant growth and production.
SNBF will remediate flood-damaged land via the same mechanism.
SNBF enables farmers to fast-track to chemical-free producer status.
SNBF re-establishes soil biology and soil health, hence decreasing requirements of all inputs, including fertiliser, weedicides, pesticides, hence reduced costs, higher yields, higher profits.
Reducing and eliminating chemicals means healthier food, hence a premium price.
Chemical fertilisers do the opposite[1], ie, they kill soil microbes, hence requiring ever increasing quantities to be applied, increasing fertiliser costs.
As soil health and immunity is eroded, pesticides and weedicides are also required, - further harming soil microbial vitality and further increasing costs.
Not surprisingly, Animals prefer pastures fertilised with SN
BF than with chemicals!
Further validation of Biodigestate Fertiliser
1. Firstly, pls see The Rodale Institute for a very detailed explanation;
2.Secondly, pls see Sikkim, Indian state, that became fully organic several years back, since which time, yields are higher than in times of chemical use, Eco Systems are restored, Tourism is at unprecedented levels, Economic Prosperity is likewise at previously never achieved levels
BF Application Rates, Methods to Transition to lower chemicals
100L /HA to 300L / HA, ideally close to rain, but not necessarily so, as seed planted is ideal, follow up applications are ideal, depending on status of soil health, crop requirements etc
Application can be topical or via a deep rip, plough, seed and Biodigestate addition, followed by a harrow.
Topical takes 1 to 2 years, Deep rip takes a lesser time, often 4 months.
Methodology for Transition towards lower chemical inputs, involves a step-wise changing of the quantities of chemicals used, lowering chemicals as SNBF is added.
Monitor progress via Soil Microbe level measurements, removing concern and risk of losing yields and livlihood
Soil core sampling is another benchmarking method that enables a very strong correlation with soil production capability. Likewise, Oxidation Reduction Potential and Brixt are further benchmarking tools.
Once soil is restored to optimal health, it is a matter of monitoring and maintaining optimal soil vitality via management of stocking rates and or cropping activities.
SNBF increases yields across a range of crops
Citrus 110% increase, larger fruit in 12 months
Ginger, 500% increase, 15 to 70 tons/HA grad. Increase over several years
Hemp 50% increase, from 1.5 tons of seed/HA to 3 tons/HA
Macadamias 66% increase, 12kg/tree to 20 kg/tree, over 18 months in 20 year old trees!
Pasture multi species,100%,Higher palatability and digestibility, as indicated by stock preferring the SNBF in 100% of situations
Palms ~ 40% increase, firm roots, strong flower development, nematodes eliminated
Soybeans 25% increase to 1’5 tons/HA in one season
Sugar Cane 20% increase based on Brixt increase and resultant higher price per ton
Sweet Potatoes 35% increase in 4 months
SNBF Cost Availability and further information:
$450 / 1000L cube plus freight.
Available now .
As more Bio-Gas/SNBF plants come on stream, distribution points will increase. If you want an installation near you, valued @ $300k, you can “join the queue”. The business model is a community resource hub, prioritising local prosperity and job creation.
SNBF comprises IP and expertise contributed by many individuals determined to solve a nation-wide crisis of health both human, animal, agricultural, environmental and financial. You can get involved!
Contact: Dr. Mark Greathead, BVSc. 0417 247 800.
2/17 Rob Place, Vineyard, 2756.NSW
Email: [email protected]
Website coming soon. |
[1] Please see attached references.